6 Best Databases to Use for Android, Web, and iOS Development
Want to know the 6 Best Databases To Use For Android, Web, and IOS Development? This guide by Vizteck will help you through it all!
September 26, 2022

Whether it’s an app, a website, or your business if you don’t have a proper database setup, it's to no avail. Being an organized collection of an app, website, or business data, a database will benefit you by storing, managing, modifying, and deleting the data.
But one thing that you need to make sure of is to check whether you are opting for the correct database or not. The digital market is full of numerous databases, but the majority are either of very low quality or not suitable for use.
Thus, as your forever partner, Vizteck Solutions has brought you a complete guide that highlights the best databases for android and Ios that you can go for when it comes to web applications and mobile apps. So, here we go.
Well, a database is simple software that would store and manage data. As mentioned before this, a database will permanently and efficiently store data, retrieve the data quickly, and will help by analyzing the data in real time. Different types of databases can be used for different kinds of applications, and in this article, we’ll go over some of the most common databases used for web apps and mobile apps.
Ever heard of the DBMS (Database Management Systems)? Well, these are different types of software that manage the database. They aid by managing the database structure, data, security, and user interface. A DBMS can either run in the cloud or on-premise.
Different DBMSs have slight differences between them. For instance, when you run them in the cloud, they would be referred to as SaaS (Software as a service) or DBaaS (Database as a service). When you run them on-premise, they would be referred to as Iaas (Infrastructure as a service) or DBaaS. DBMSs can also be grouped into relational or non-relational (NoSQL).
When choosing a database for your business, there are a few factors to consider. Firstly, you would have to decide whether you should go for a relational database or a NoSQL database. In contrast, the NoSQL databases have been around for a long while. Hence, they would be a great choice for excessive data businesses.
When it comes to relational databases, they work great for businesses that have consistent data and those who want to track the relationships between data easily. But then again, a relational database would not be able to scale as easily as a NoSQL database. If a database cannot handle the load of an application, it might contribute to slow load times as well as unexpected errors.
There are several databases a developer or an app owner can go for. The ones that we have mentioned for you can aid in both qualities as well as quantity. Thus, here are the best database apps for android, web, and Ios.
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system. The system is created, distributed, and maintained by the Oracle Organization. This database is the primary RDBMS for several applications, commercial products, and websites. With over 20 years of community-backed support and development, MySQL is amongst the most stable, reliable, and secured SQL database management systems.
Did you know that MongoDB is the most popular and widely used database management? Besides, it was released back in 2009, making it one of the oldest databases. During the early stages of the app and web development world, it was quite tough to load and access data into an RDBMS using object-oriented programming languages. Also, these required additional application-level mapping. Therefore, to get rid of such issues, Mongo was developed to handle the document data.
Initially known as POSTGRES, the database is an award winner. Its developer, Micheal was honoured with the Turing Award thanks to his contributions to PostgreSQL.
The database is written in C and is used by businesses that handle huge amounts of data. There are several gaming apps, database automation tools, and domain registrations that use the PostgreSQL system.
Want to know about the most recent release? Take a look at the DB2 11.5 which is the most recent release. IBM also offered DB2 LUW for Windows, Linux, and Unix. But as much as it's known for its speeding up of query execution, this did not work out.
Also, know that IBM DB2 is specifically designed and known for speeding up query execution. Earlier, the list of databases for mobile apps would support the relational model. But there has been immense growth in recent years. Now, it supports object-relational and non-relational forms like JSON and XML.
Elasticsearch is an open-core full-text search engine that is based on Lucene. Released in 2010 by Shay Banon, it’s a full-text search engine with a distributed, multi-tenant capability as well as a REST API.
Elasticsearch provides horizontal scaling through an automatic sharing and Rest API. Besides, it can also aid in supporting structured and schema-less data (JSON). This is especially suited to analyzing logging or monitoring the data.
Compatible with MySQL, this is a relational database management system. This is amongst the most suited database systems for the clients too. Besides, to replace the MySQL server with MariaDB, you do not need any code changes.
The management system gives columnar storage that has a massively parallel distributed data architecture. When compared to MySQL, MariaDB is more community driven.
When choosing the best database for android, web development, and Ios, it is important to consider both your short-term and long-term needs. While relational databases like SQL Server have been around for a long time and have proven themselves, NoSQL databases like MongoDB have only been around for a few years. It is important to find a database that is the right fit for your business. When your data is stored in the right database, you’ll be able to track your business information more efficiently and better understand how your business operates.