Basic Checklist Before Making an App Live on AppStore

Want to know the basic checklist before making an App live on Appstore? This guide by Vizteck will help you through it all.




May 13, 2020


Asif Saeed



Here at Vizteck, we maintain a checklist before submitting an app to AppStore. These checklists help us a lot as the process of app approval, especially on the iOS store, takes at least a week, and one cannot afford anything not working properly after such a long wait. 

The AppStore also has other guidelines due to which it may reject an app completely which are essential for developers and stakeholders to review. We will only cover some generic items from our checklist which are essential for developers and testers to ensure before submitting an app. 


Size Of The Images In The App

The small size of the app is a very important factor to increase the downloads of the app. Sometimes the developers keep the high-resolution images provided by the designers as it is in the resource files and doesn’t care about optimizing them. It is a very good practice to use image compression tools to optimize the images and reduce their sizes which helps in decreasing the overall size of the application. 


Rate and Review Alert

The rate and alert modules need the iTunes app id to work. Since this ID is not available during development, developers put IDs of other apps. It is always a good idea to double-check this ID before submission so there are no mistakes as this can make your great work look bad.



Make sure that any screenshots of screens that show data have good test data on them. Non-copyrighted pictures of users and dummy data like “test user 1” etc. won’t leave a good impression on your users. This is also something that apple doesn’t allow you to change after submitting an app.


Categories of the App

Make sure you select the right categories while submitting the app as this is something you cannot change after submitting an app and this is very important for ranking your application.


App Keywords

Keywords are the most important factor in driving downloads to your app. You must double-check the keywords for any spelling errors. Selecting the right keywords is the most important thing and one can consult app store keyword-optimizing experts for the best keywords.


Google Analytics and AD SDK ID's

Your app may be using third-party AD Sdk, google analytics, or other third-party tools. It is a good idea to double-check that the app has proper IDs provided by these companies. 

This is it for this list. We suggest you maintain a checklist depending on the type of apps you submit. We wish you good luck with your app submissions. For any help required to submit an app or create an awesome iPhone, Android, Windows, or Blackberry app, you can always contact us at We would be happy to be of any help.

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